Guidance for devolved taxes

Find out information about Land and Buildings Transaction Tax (LBTT), Scottish Landfill Tax (SLfT), future devolved taxes, legislative and practical tax guidance.

Land and Buildings Transaction Tax

Find out more about LBTT

Tax guidance for

Residential properties

Find out how LBTT applies to residential properties.

Read the guidance

Residential property with

Additional Dwelling Supplement

Find out how LBTT applies to residential properties with ADS.

Read the guidance

Tax guidance for

Non-residential properties

Find out how LBTT applies to non-residential properties.

Read the guidance

Tax guidance for

Lease Transactions

Find out how LBTT applies to leases on commercial properties.

Read the guidance

SLfT tax guidance

About SLfT

Find out how the SLfT tax works, what information we keep in the Scottish Landfill Tax Register and our role in the Scottish Landfill Community Fund.

Read the guidance


Guidance and services

Includes how to register, submit and pay tax.
How to apply for water discounts, non-disposal area, restoration and alternative weighing methods.

Read the guidance

SLfT tax guidance

SLfT rates and accounting periods

View SLfT rates and accounting periods.

Read the guidance

Scottish Landfill Tax

Find out more about SLfT

Future devolved taxes

Find out information for Scotland future devolved taxes.

Scottish Aggregate Tax

Find out more about SAT

Scottish Aggregate Tax
  • March 2016 – Scottish Aggregates Tax devolved by the Scotland Act 2016
  • November 2023 – Scottish Aggregates Bill Introduced to Parliament
  • April 2026 – Scottish Aggregates Tax replaces UK Aggregates Levy in Scotland

Air Departure Tax

Find out more about ADT

Air Departure Tax
  • March 2016
    Air Passenger Duty is devolved by the Scotland Act 2016.
  • July 2017
    The Air Departure Tax (Scotland) Act 2017 makes provisions for ADT.
  • Beyond April 2020
    The introduction of ADT has been deferred to beyond April 2020. The UK Government will maintain the application of ADT in Scotland in the interim.