Reporting suspected wrongdoing to Revenue Scotland

Report suspected wrongdoing related to Revenue Scotland such as Land and Buildings Transaction Tax (LBTT) or Scottish Landfill Tax (SLFT)

1. What is your report about?
2. Are you reporting a business or individual
Business Details
Include any office addresses, contact details or locations
Individual Details
Include information such contact details, addresses, and / or locations
5. How do you know them?
You can select more than one option.
6. How do you know about this activity you are reporting?
Select the option that best applies to you.
Include as much detail as possible
Include all names, addresses and anything else you think we need to know
9. Can we contact you about this?
Please note any contact from Revenue Scotland will be in a limited number of cases to gain a clearer understanding of any information provided. We will not provide any updates or feedback.
Contact Details
For example your name, address and phone number.
11. If we need to contact you, what is your preferred method?
You can only select one option