Revenue Scotland Launches Draft Equality Outcomes Consultation

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  • News & Events

13 March 2020

Revenue Scotland has today (13 March 2020) launched a consultation on its Draft Equality Outcomes for 2020-24, outlining how the organisation will strengthen equalities in its operations both as a public service provider and employer.

The draft Equality Outcomes and associated action plan have been developed using guidance from the Equality and Human Rights Commission, and equality evidence and information from across the functions of Revenue Scotland have also been closely reviewed and integrated into the plan. This consultation will add additional information and shape the final outcomes and plan which will be published at the end of April 2020.

Revenue Scotland has a duty under the Equality Act 2010 to ensure that they act to:

  • Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation;
  • Advance equality of opportunity between different groups; and
  • Foster good relations between different groups.

Public authorities are also required to:

  • consider how their policies or decisions affect people according their protected characteristics (age; disability; gender reassignment; marriage and civil partnership; pregnancy and maternity; race; religion or belief; sex; and sexual orientation); and
  • publish Equality Outcomes and a mainstreaming report to demonstrate how they are meeting the equality duty.

Revenue Scotland Chief Executive, Elaine Lorimer, said the consultation and publication of the equality outcomes would shape the future work of the organisation.

She said:“Revenue Scotland recognises how important it is to promote equality, diversity and inclusion. Our outcomes set out our commitment to ensuring that the way we deliver public services and treat our staff contributes to making Scotland a fairer and more equal society.”

Revenue Scotland will prioritise the delivery of the outcomes and will publish regular progress updates in line with the Public Sector Equality Duty.



Revenue Scotland is a Non-Ministerial Department responsible for the management and collection of Scotland’s devolved taxes – currently Land and Buildings Transaction Tax (LBTT) and Scottish Landfill Tax (SLfT).

The tax authority operates according to Adam Smith’s principles of taxation to ensure equity, certainty, convenience and efficiency in administering and managing devolved taxes.

The four principles are:

  • Equity – proportionality to the ability of a taxpayer to pay;
  • Certainty – maximising tax compliance, minimising tax avoidance and evasion;
  • Convenience – ensuring tax systems and processes are open and accessible;
  • Efficiency – ensuring tax systems are efficient and effective and represent value for money for Scotland.

The full Draft Outcomes report and further details about the consultation is available on the Revenue Scotland website.

For further information please contact the Revenue Scotland Communications Team at