Annual Report and Accounts 2023-24 - Devolved Taxes Accounts

View Annual Report 2023-24 - Devolved Taxes Accounts.

The report gives an outline of our key business activities and performance over the past financial year.

Devolved Taxes Account 2023-24: Financial Statements

Statement of Revenue and Expenditure

for the year ended 31 March 2024

  Note 2023-24
Land and Buildings Transaction tax 2.1 784,372 847,836
Scottish Landfill tax 2.1 68,372 109,699
Total taxes   852,744 957,535
Penalties and Interest      
Penalties 2.2 2,178 2,065
Interest 2.2 536 732
Total penalties and interest   2,714 2,797
Total Revenue   855,458 960,332
Interest paid 3.1 (1,386) (349)
Decrease/(Increase) in impairments 3.2 (862) 224
Debts written off 3.2 (53) (7)
Total expenditure   (2,301) (132)
Net revenue for the Scottish Consolidated Fund   853,157 960,200

There were no recognised gains or losses accounted for outside the Statement of Revenue and Expenditure. The notes on pages 27-40 form part of these financial statements.

Statement of Financial Position

as at 31 March 2024

  Note 2023-24
Current assets      
Receivables 4.1 17,434 17,915
Accrued revenue receivable 4.1 26,854 45,354
Cash 5 56,015 61,935
Total current assets   100,303 125,204
Current liabilities      
Payables and on account balances 6 (3,855) (3,895)
Total current liabilities   (3,855) (3,895)
Net current assets   96,448 121,309
Total assets less current liabilities   96,448 121,309
Total net assets   96,448 121,309
Represented by:      
Balance due to the Scottish Consolidated Fund 7 96,448 121,309

The notes on pages 27-40 form part of these financial statements. The Chief Executive and Accountable Officer of Revenue Scotland authorised these financial statements for issue on 24 September 2024.
Elaine Lorimer – Chief Executive of Revenue Scotland and Accountable Officer

Statement of Cash Flows

for the year ended 31 March 2024

  Note 2023-24
Net cash flow from operating activities   872,098 950,086
Cash paid to Scottish Consolidated Fund 7 (878,018) (954,847)
(Decrease)/Increase in cash in this period 5 (5,920) (4,761)
Notes to the Statement of Cash Flows      
A Reconciliation of net cashflow to movement in net funds      
Net revenue for the Scottish Consolidated Fund SoRE 853,157 960,200
Decrease/(Increase) in non cash assets 4.1 18,981 (8,512)
(Decrease)/Increase in liabilities 6 (40) (1,602)
Net cash flow from operating activities   872,098 950,086
Net cash flow from investing activities   0 0
Net cash flow from financing activities   0 0
B Analysis of changes in net funds      
(Decrease)/Increase in cash in this period   (5,920) (4,761)
Net funds at 1 April   61,935 66,696
Net funds at 31 March 5 56,015 61,935

The notes on pages 27-40 form part of these financial statements.