Key Performance Indicators

Information about the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) Revenue Scotland uses to measure its performance.

Key Performance Indicators

Key Performance Indicators

Revenue Scotland, as an open and transparent organisation, is committed to making much of our data available, including revenue statistics and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) on our performance as an organisation.

The data we release publicly are guided by the following principles:

  • Protection of taxpayer information
  • Transparency and accuracy
  • Impartiality and objectivity
  • Quality
  • Co-ordination and consistency

More details about how we apply these principles to our work can be found in our Information Charter and Privacy Notice.

Revenue Scotland’s KPI’s are designed to measure the organisation’s performance against its strategic objectives and Adam Smith’s four principles of equity, certainty, convenience and efficiency.

Details of our KPIs, including definitions, are available in the Revenue Scotland Corporate Plan.

Quarterly KPIs

Revenue Scotland publishes quarterly updates of Key Performance Indicators covering proportion of returns made online, payments made on time, call waiting times for the Revenue Scotland Support Desk, written communication response times, number of complaints and number of security breaches.

The tax authority aims to publish quarterly KPI updates one quarter in arrears.

The latest published quarterly KPI report is for quarter 3 (Q3) 2017-18. All published quarterly KPI reports contain figures since Revenue Scotland started operation in Q1 2015-16.

Revenue Scotland quarterly KPIs - Q1 2015-16 to Q3 2017-18.xlsx

Annual KPIs

In addition, Revenue Scotland publishes annual Key Performance Indicators covering measures for which quarterly updates are not possible or helpful. These will include direct compliance yield, proportion of returns which receive no Revenue Scotland intervention, total Revenue Scotland running costs as a percentage of money transferred to the Scottish Consolidated Fund and the Scottish Landfill Communities Fund, stakeholder feedback, value of tax liabilities identified as a result of corrections, amendments, assessments, determinations and enquires, duration of enquires, number of disputes and time to resolution, employee engagement and employee sickness absence as well as annual summaries of the quarterly measures. These performance measures can be found in Revenue Scotland's Annual Reports and Accounts.

The second annual KPI update was included in the 2016-17 Annual Reports and Accounts.

Last updated