Quarterly SLfT Statistics

Quarter 2 (July to September) 2024-25 SLfT statistics.

Quarterly SLfT Statistics


£30.1 million in Scottish Landfill Tax (SLfT) was declared payable for the latest quarter, April to June 2022 (Q1, 2022/23). The total tonnage of standard taxable waste was 319,700 in the latest quarter.

Total SLfT declared due and tonnes of taxable waste reported in Q1 of 2022/23, are the lowest in any Q1, excluding the pandemic-hit Q1 of 2020/21. Compared to Q1 of last year (2021/22), the standard rate of waste going to landfill was down by 7%.

Typically, more taxable waste is declared for April to September (Q1 and Q2) each year, than for October to March (Q3 and Q4). 2020 broke this pattern: April to June 2020 (Q1 2020/21) saw unusually low taxable disposals (40 per cent less SLfT declared due than the same quarter of the previous year), during the first UK-wide lockdown of the COVID-19 pandemic. Similar patterns were seen for other parts of the UK. From July to December 2020 onwards (Q2 and Q3 2020/21), SLfT declared due returned to a slightly higher level than the same quarters of 2019/20.  It is difficult to separate out the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on SLfT from the underlying trend, but the large drop in revenue in Q1 2020/21, and subsequent recovery in later quarters, is likely to have been strongly affected by COVID-19 restrictions. 


27 operators provided returns for the latest quarter, covering 47 sites.


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