Corporate Documents

Information about how Revenue Scotland operates.

Corporate Documents

Annual Reports and Accounts


Revenue Scotland - Annual Report and Accounts 2018/19 - Devolved Taxes Accounts

Revenue Scotland - Annual Report and Accounts 2018/19 - Resource Accounts

Revenue Scotland - Annual Report and Accounts 2018/19 - Summary Leaflet

Revenue Scotland - Annual Report and Accounts 2018/19 - Summary - BSL playlist 


 Revenue Scotland - Annual Reports and Accounts 2017/18 – Devolved Taxes Accounts

 Revenue Scotland - Annual Report and Accounts 2017/18 - Resource Accounts

 Revenue Scotland - Annual Report and Accounts 2017/18 - Summary leaflet

 Revenue Scotland - Annual Report and Accounts 2017-18 - Summary - BSL full video

 Revenue Scotland - Annual Report and Accounts 2017-18 - Summary - BSL playlist


 Revenue Scotland - Annual Report and Accounts 2016/17 - Devolved Taxes Accounts

 Revenue Scotland - Annual Report and Accounts 2016/17 - Resource Accounts

 Revenue Scotland - Annual Report and Accounts 2016/17 - Summary Leaflet


Revenue Scotland - Annual Report and Accounts 2015/16 - Devolved Taxes Accounts 

Revenue Scotland - Annual Report and Accounts 2015/16 - Resource Accounts 

Revenue Scotland - Annual Report and Accounts 2015/16 - Summary Leaflet

Provisional Outturn Data


Revenue Scotland provisional (pre-audit) outturn for the devolved taxes, 2019/20

Revenue Scotland, June 2020

Land and Buildings Transaction Tax provisional outturn £597.8m
Scottish Landfill Tax provisional outturn £119.2m
Total devolved taxes provisional outturn £717.0m

The final outturn position for the devolved taxes for 2019-20 will be included in the publication of Revenue Scotland’s Annual Report and Accounts 2019-20, which is planned for late 2020.

Revenue Scotland Board Minutes


PDF icon Revenue Scotland - Board Meeting - Minute - 17 June 2020.pdf

PDF icon Revenue Scotland - Board Meeting - Minute - 29 April 2020.pdf

PDF icon Revenue Scotland - Board Meeting - Minute - 11 March 2020.pdf

PDF icon Revenue Scotland - Board Meeting - Minute - 29th January 2020.pdf

PDF icon Revenue Scotland - Board Meeting - Minute - 11 December 2019.pdf

PDF icon Revenue Scotland - Board Meeting - Minute - 20 November 2019.pdf

PDF icon Revenue Scotland - Board Meeting - Minute - 30 October 2019.pdf

PDF icon Revenue Scotland - Board Meeting - Minute - 21 October 2019.pdf

Revenue Scotland - Board Meeting - Minute - 31 July 2019

Revenue Scotland - Board Meeting - Minute - 11 July 2019

Revenue Scotland - Board Meeting - Minute - 1 May 2019


Revenue Scotland - Board Meeting - Minute - 13 March 2019

Revenue Scotland - Board Meeting - Minute - 23 January 2019

Revenue Scotland - Board Meeting - Minute - 12 December 2018

Revenue Scotland - Board Meeting - Minute- 31 October 2018

Revenue Scotland - Board Meeting - Minute - 12 September 2018

Revenue Scotland - Board Meeting - Minute - 25 July 2018

Revenue Scotland - Board Meeting - Minute - 27 June 2018

Revenue Scotland - Board Meeting - Minute - 25 April 2018

Revenue Scotland - Board Meeting - Minute - 28 March 2018

Revenue Scotland - Board Meeting - Minute - 14 February 2018


Revenue Scotland - Board Meeting - Minute - 13 December 2017

Revenue Scotland - Board Meeting - Minute - 29 November 2017

Revenue Scotland - Board Meeting - Minute - 24 October 2017

Revenue Scotland - Board Meeting - Minute - 11 October 2017

Revenue Scotland - Board Meeting - Minute - 13 September 2017

Revenue Scotland - Board Meeting - Minute - 16 August 2017

Revenue Scotland - Board Meeting - Minute - 21 June 2017

Revenue Scotland - Board Meeting - Minute - 19 April 2017

Risk Management Framework

Risk Management Framework.pdf

Statement of Expenditure

PDF icon Public Services Reform Act data 2015-2020.pdf

Equalities Mainstreaming Reports

Equalities Mainstreaming Reports

Civil Service People Survey 2019

The full results for Revenue Scotland are available below:

Revenue Scotland - People Survey Results 2019-20.pdf

Climate Change Report

Revenue Scotland's Climate Change Reports are available to download on the Sustainable Scotland Network website.

Whistleblowing Annual Report

Revenue Scotland - Whistleblowing Report 2018-19 - August 2019


Last updated